30 Orange Foods (Fruits, Vegetables, and More)

Add these orange foods to your daily diet for a delicious boost of vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene!

Orange foods don’t just add a pop of color to your meals, but a whole lot of nutritional benefits, as well.

Orange Kiwano Horned Melons

They’re a fantastic source of vitamins, fiber, and folate.

They protect your body from inflammation and infection, and boost healthy hair, skin, and vision, to boot.

These orange delights are delicious either on their own or when cooked with other ingredients.

Elevate simple, everyday meals with these bright, tasty, and healthy orange foods!

Oranges on a Wooden Tabke

1. Oranges

Looking for a delicious and nutritious snack to get you through your next meal? Oranges perfectly fit the bill.

This fruit bursts with sweet and citrusy flavors and is loaded with vitamins and fiber.

They’re fantastic on their own, but also make for a great addition to both sweet and savory dishes, alike.

Need some inspiration? Try these cranberry orange muffins for breakfast or this sticky orange chicken for lunch or dinner!

Fresh Pumpkins

2. Pumpkin

Whether you’re craving the sweet and earthy flavors of fall for breakfast or dessert, the pumpkin won’t disappoint.

The great thing about pumpkin is it tastes great whether fresh or canned.

No matter the day or season, you can enjoy pumpkin all year round. 

Pumpkin isn’t just sweet, but also super tender, making it a great ingredient for pies, breads, and cakes

Basket Filled With Fresh Apricots

3. Apricot

This peach-like stone fruit is just super soft and juicy when raw, and sweet and chewy when dried.

They’re great on their own, but also make for a great flavoring agent for both sweet and savory dishes.

You can use apricots in all kinds of cooking, from baking scones and blending smoothies to adding sweetness to savory entrees.    

Butternut Squash

4. Butternut Squash

While very similar, butternut squash has a slightly sweeter flavor than pumpkin.

It’s also a tad less stringy, which is why people tend to prefer them over the latter.

Nutrition-wise, the butternut squash also scores a few more points.

They’re loaded with magnesium and potassium. They also contain more vitamins A and C and have twice as much iron. 

Enjoy butternut squash in this creamy soup and hearty casserole.

Bowl of Baby Carrots

5. Carrots

Besides oranges, carrots are perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when talking about orange foods.

This crunchy vegetable is a great source of nutrients and vitamins and is an easy way to add a pop of color to any dish.

It’s super versatile, too. 

When chopped, they make a lovely addition to stews. When minced, they’re a perfect addition to ground beef recipes.

And when shredded, they make mouthwatering cakes!

Ripe Mangoes on a Basket

6. Mangoes

Mangoes are a personal favorite of mine. They’re incredibly sweet, juicy, and super easy to cook with.

Don’t get me wrong, they’re amazing on their own.

But they also make for a fantastic flavor agent for cocktails and baked goods.

Check out these mango recipes for inspiration.

Basket of Cape Gooseberry

7. Cape Gooseberry

Here’s something new for you! Cape gooseberry is a South American plant that belongs to the nightshade family.

Also called goldenberry and ground cherry, the fruit has a golden orange hue with a sweet, tomato-like flavor. 

Just like tomatoes, gooseberries are also ideal for making sauces.

They’re also sweet enough to be used in making jams, chutneys, and even ice cream.

Blocks of Cheddar Cheese

8. Cheddar Cheese

With its creamy and salty flavors, this soft and melty cheese is a trustworthy ingredient in making rich and delectable dishes.

Use cheddar cheese to enrich soups, pizzas, and pasta. I highly suggest this broccoli soup and these cheddar biscuits.

Then for dessert, use it to make cheesecake!

Cream cheese is often used to make this smooth and creamy dessert. But cheddar makes a wonderful addition, too.

Fresh Ripe Papaya

9. Papaya

If you’re looking for a refreshing beverage or dessert, you should give these papaya-flavored delights a try.

Papayas are super soft and sweet when ripened. It’s why they’re a great candidate for making thick smoothies.

If you’re craving dessert, I have a bunch of papaya sweets for you, as well.

Enjoy unique, exotic treats like papaya lime cheesecake and papaya mousse!

Bowl of Peaches With Syrup

10. Peaches

This sweet and juicy fruit is one of nature’s best summer produce.

Use them in cobblers and crisps if you’re craving a crumbly and buttery dessert.

If you prefer something cold and creamy, try a peach ice cream or a peach fluff salad.

Or, if you want to enjoy the deliciousness of peaches in all their glory, simply fire up the grill.

No matter what dessert you’re craving, these peachy delights have you covered.  

Bowl of Chanterelle Mushrooms

11. Chanterelle Mushrooms

Move over Portobellos and criminis! If you want mushroom dishes with a pop of orange, you’ve got to try the chanterelle.

These wild, funnel-shaped mushrooms are meaty and bursting with a sweet and fruity aroma.

Depending on the species, chanterelles can be woody, earthy, and even spicy. 

The most sought-after chanterelle is the golden chanterelle for its unique aroma and flavor. 

Persimmons on a Woven Tray

12. Persimmon

It looks like a tomato but tastes like a cross between a cantaloupe and an apple.

You might be wondering in what ways you can incorporate persimmon into your cooking.

There’s not a lot, but they’re all a must-try.

For instance, you can use the fruit to make quick bread and cookies.

Just like apples, you can also make jam, sauce, and pies out of it.

Spiky Fresh Horned Melon

13. Horned Melon (Kiwano)

Also known as the horned cucumber, the horned melon is an exotic African fruit known for its spiky, horn-like spines.

It may look intimidating from the outside, but inside, the fruit is soft like jelly. 

When ripe, it tastes like a cross between a banana, passion fruit, and lime.

You can eat it on its own as a snack, or add it to salads for sweetness.

Kabocha Squash on a Woven Tray

14. Kabocha Squash

It’s a Japanese species of the sweet, orange vegetable we all know and love.

Just like pumpkins, the kabocha squash is great for making creamy soups and pie fillings.

Need ideas? My roundup of kabocha squash recipes has 20 dishes you absolutely have to try!

With entries such as squash soup and muffins, this collection is complete from appetizers to desserts.

 Fresh Kumquats

15. Kumquats

Kumquats are another golden orange fruit with a sweet, juicy, and citrusy flavor.

What makes them different from most citrus fruits is that you can eat the peel!

Kumquats are delicious to eat as a snack, but they’re also great in savory entrees and desserts.

Want to cook with kumquats but don’t know where to start? Read through these kumquat recipes to give you ideas!

Bowl of Salmon Roe

16. Salmon Roe

Also called red caviar, salmon roe is basically the salmon eggs. 

Just like their momma, these eggs are bursting with flavor and nutrition.

If you think their only purpose is to garnish sushi rolls and poke bowls, there are actually a lot of ways to use these eggs.

Adding salmon roe to salad, pasta, and other dishes is a great way to give the dishes a pop of color and a burst of salty flavor.

Sliced and Whole Sweet Potatoes

17. Sweet Potatoes

Whether you like them deep-fried, mashed, or baked and stuffed, sweet potatoes are the ultimate side dish.

But that’s not all sweet potatoes can do.

If you’re looking for unique ideas, these 20 sweet potato recipes will absolutely deliver.

For example, sweet potato pancakes, cookies, lasagna, and smoothies are all a must-try!

Raw and Powdered Turmeric

18. Turmeric

If you’re looking for a soothing drink, a spicy entree, or a warming dessert, turmeric is the spice for you.

That’s right, while the golden spice is often used to flavor soups and stews, you can also use it to make teas and cakes.

Aside from adding warmth to dishes, turmeric is also a fantastic source of vitamins and antioxidants.

Whole and Peeled Clementines

19. Clementines

They’re just like oranges, but sweeter!

That said, Clementines are amazing in salads, cocktails, and baked goods.

Whether you’re looking for Clementine breakfasts or desserts, this collection is worth checking out.

It includes classic sweets like cupcakes and cookies.

But there are also a few unique treats in there like Clementine brownies and pancakes.

Wooden Plate Filled with Ripe Maprangs

20. Maprang

Here’s another orange food I’m pretty sure you haven’t heard of! 

Maprang, which is also known as mango plum, is a Southeast Asian plant that belongs to the same family as mangoes and cashews.

It bears a golden fruit with soft, juicy, and fibrous flesh, similar to a ripe persimmon.

Maprang is tart when raw. When ripe, it tastes like a cross between a mango, persimmon, and apricot.

Fresh Orange Habaneros

21. Orange Habanero

Habaneros come in several variants, red, green, yellow, etc.

However, some people believe that the orange habanero is the “true habanero.”

It’s the bright orange pepper we commonly see in markets and groceries.

With its fruity and tropical flavor, the orange habanero is a terrific ingredient in salsas, sauces, and a pairing with chocolate and cheese.

Orange Cauliflower

22. Orange Cauliflower  

Perhaps you’re familiar with purple cauliflower, but have you ever seen an orange cauliflower?

Yup, such a thing exists, and it is incredibly cute!

It evolved from a genetic mutation that allows it to store more beta-carotene, hence the orange tint. 

Just like regular cauliflower, orange cauliflower has a very mild flavor.

It can be prepared in the same way you would regular cauliflower and not affect its color.

Mandarin Oranges

23. Mandarin Oranges

Mandarin oranges, or just mandarins, look a lot like common oranges, but with a few differences.

They’re relatively smaller, oblate (not spherical), and sweeter, which is why they make for an awesome addition to salads.

You can also use mandarins in sauces, smoothies, and baked goods. If you need recipes, here’s a full list for you!

Fresh and Powdered Annatto

24. Annatto

Annatto is a condiment with a mild peppery and nutmeg aroma and a subtly sweet, nutty, and peppery taste. 

While it can be used to add flavor and aroma to dishes, it is more often used as a food colorant. 

Derived from the seeds of the achiote tree, annatto does a fine job of lending its bright orange hue to dishes.

Orange Bell Pepper

25. Orange Bell Pepper

As bell peppers mature, they lose their bitterness and become sweeter and fruitier.

That’s the flavor you can expect from the orange bell pepper.

It’s not just tasty but packed with nutritional value as well. 

It’s loaded with vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, folate, and iron.

Adding orange bell pepper to dishes is an easy way to nourish your body.

Browse through these bell pepper recipes if you need some ideas.

Slice of Fresh Salmon

26. Salmon

It’s rich, fatty, and packed with nutrition. It’s my absolute favorite fish! 

I also love how easy it is to work with. You can do anything you like with it, and it’ll still taste great. 

I mean, you can even serve it raw and it’ll be amazing. 

If you want it cooked, though, here are some easy salmon recipes you absolutely have to try.

Calendula Soaked on a Glass

27. Calendula

Also known as pot marigold, the calendula is a flowering plant that belongs to the same family as the daisy.

Back in the day, it was primarily used for medicinal purposes. Today, its fresh petals are used in salads.

The petals can also be dried and used to color cheese and other dishes, as saffron would.

Whole and Cut Into HaklGấc

28. Gấc

It’s a Southeast Asian fruit with a high beta-carotene and lycopene content. That said, the gac tastes like a tomato when cooked.

When raw, it has a slightly sweet flavor with a smooth and creamy texture like an avocado.

In Vietnam, the fruit’s arils are cooked with sticky rice to make xoi gac, a dish traditionally served at weddings and New Year’s.

In Sri Lanka, the fruit is used in curry. In Thailand, it’s served with ice cream.

Fresh Tamarillo

29. Tamarillo

Also known as a tree tomato, the tamarillo is an egg-shaped edible fruit that tastes like a tomato.

It’s a little sweeter, though, with a sharp citric tang and a subtle bitterness.

Because of its flavor, the tamarillo can also be used as an ingredient in sweet dishes, like smoothies and muffins. 


30. Cantaloupe 

It’s sweet, juicy, and refreshing! Its pastel orange hue also makes it look so pretty. 

You can use cantaloupe in so many ways, from sweet beverages like smoothies and shakes to savory dishes like pizza and pasta.

Or, you can simply slice the fruit and enjoy it on its own! 

30 Orange Foods (Fruits and Vegetables)

Add some nutrition to your diet with this list of orange foods. From fruits like oranges and papaya to veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes, all of these foods are incredible.


  • Oranges

  • Pumpkin

  • Apricot

  • Butternut Squash

  • Carrots

  • Mangoes

  • Cape Gooseberry

  • Cheddar Cheese

  • Papaya

  • Peaches

  • Chanterelle Mushrooms

  • Persimmon

  • Horned Melon (Kiwano)

  • Kabocha Squash

  • Kumquats

  • Salmon Roe

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Turmeric

  • Clementines

  • Maprang

  • Orange Habanero

  • Orange Cauliflower

  • Mandarin Oranges

  • Annatto

  • Orange Bell Pepper

  • Salmon

  • Calendula

  • G ấc

  • Tamarillo

  • Cantaloupe


  • Select your favorite orange food.
  • Try a fun and exciting new recipe.
  • Enjoy!
Orange Foods

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