How Long to Bake Apple Pie at 350

For a perfectly golden and delicious apple pie, bake it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes to an hour.

The amount of baking time will vary based on how big your pie is.

Mouthwatering Apple Pie Slice

Baking an apple pie is a time-honored tradition. Many home cooks have unique recipes and techniques for achieving the perfect pie. 

But whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe is easy to follow!

It’s guaranteed to result in a perfectly golden, flaky crust and a luscious apple filling.

So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to mastering this classic dessert!

How Long to Bake Apple Pie at 350?

Baking the perfect apple pie requires attention to detail, especially when it comes to timing. 

Achieving a deliciously golden crust and perfectly cooked apples is key. Follow these general guidelines for baking apple pie at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

1. Small pie (8-9 inches): 45-50 minutes

A small apple pie, typically 8-9 inches in diameter, should be baked for approximately 45-50 minutes. 

This time frame allows the crust to become golden brown and the apples to soften. Keep an eye on the pie during the last few minutes to ensure the crust doesn’t overcook.

2. Medium pie (9-10 inches): 50-55 minutes

A medium-sized apple pie requires a slightly longer baking time of 50-55 minutes. 

This additional time ensures the larger volume of apples is cooked thoroughly. It also makes the crust achieve the desired texture and ensures the filling doesn’t become too mushy.

3. Large pie (10-11 inches): 55-60 minutes

For a large apple pie measuring 10-11 inches in diameter, bake the pie for 55-60 minutes. 

This extended baking time makes up for the bigger size of the pie. It ensures the pie is thoroughly cooked with a perfect, golden brown crust.

Keep in mind that these baking times are approximate. The cooking time may vary depending on the type of apples used and oven performance.

This is the reason it’s essential to keep an eye on your pie while it bakes!

Homemade Whole Apple Pie

Benefits of Baking Apple Pie at 350

There are several benefits to baking an apple pie at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s a standard temperature for baking pies for a perfectly-cooked sweet treat. Here are a few:

1. Even Cooking: Baking an apple pie at 350 ensures the filling and crust cook evenly. This temperature is not too high to burn the crust but high enough to cook the filling.

2. Moisture Retention: The lower temperature of 350 allows the pie to retain moisture while baking. This means the filling stays juicy, and the crust stays tender with a subtle crispness.

3. Crust Browning: Baking at 350 is a suitable temperature for a golden brown crust. A higher temperature will cause the crust to brown too quickly.

4. Avoid Overbaking: Baking an apple pie at 350 for 45 to 50 minutes will help you avoid overbaking. Overbaking will cause the filling to become dry and the crust to become tough.

5. Safe Temperature: 350 is a safe temperature for baking pies. It’s also a standard temperature used for baking various baked goods.

How to Tell When the Apple Pie Is Done

Here are three exciting ways to know when your apple pie is ready to leave the oven:

  1. Is it bubbling? It’s time to indulge when the juices bubble through the top crust. If you don’t see any bubbles, give it a few more minutes.
  1. Check the internal temperature. Use a thermometer to check the center of the pie. Once it reaches 195°F (90°C), you’re good to go.
  1. Are the apples tender? Carefully poke the center of the pie with a sharp knife. If it slides right through, the pie is ready. If the apples are a bit hard, give them a few more minutes.
Apple Pie Slice With Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream on Top

Tips for the Best Apple Pie

  • Choose the right apples: Use a mixture of sweet and crisp apples to get the perfect texture. Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and Gala are some excellent options.
  • Add flavorings: Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract to your apple pie filling to give it a warm, spicy flavor.
  • Cover the pie with foil: This tip comes in handy if the crust starts to brown too quickly. It helps slow down the browning to ensure that the pie cooks evenly.
  • Layer the apples: Layer the apple slices in the pie crust, and pack them tightly. This step will help prevent the pie from collapsing when it’s baked.
  • Let it cool: Let the pie cool before serving to allow the filling to set. Cooling the pie will also help it hold its shape when you slice it.

Storing, Freezing, and Reheating Apple Pie


To store apple pie, wrap it loosely in plastic or aluminum foil. Keep it at room temperature for up to 2 days. Or you can keep it in the refrigerator for an extra 1-2 days.


To freeze apple pie, cool it completely to room temperature. Wrap it tightly with plastic wrap and aluminum foil to avoid freezer burn. Freezing the pie keeps it fresh for up to 4 months.

Alternatively, you can wrap and freeze the unbaked pie to make it last longer. Bake it as directed but add an extra 15 minutes to the baking time.


When you’re ready to eat the apple pie, it’s time to pop it back in the oven. Preheat the oven to 350 and remove any plastic wrap before placing it in the oven.

Bake the frozen pie for 15 to 20 minutes until it’s heated through. 

How Long to Bake Apple Pie at 350



Prep time


Cooking time





To ensure a perfectly baked apple pie, preheat your oven to 350 and bake it for 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the pie size.


  • 1/2 cup white sugar

  • 2 tablespoonss all-purpose flour

  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 3 tablespoonss unsalted butter

  • 1 package of double-crust pie pastry, thawed

  • 6 medium tart apples – peeled, cored, and sliced


  • Set the oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Put a baking sheet on one of the oven racks.
  • Mix the sugar, flour, and cinnamon in a small bowl until well combined. Cut the butter into small pieces and split them into two equal portions.
  • Roll out the pastry into a circle that is 11 or 12 inches in diameter. Press it into a 9-inch pie dish. Roll out the top crust and set it aside.
  • Put the sliced apples into a large bowl. Add the sugar mixture and half of the butter pieces, and toss until thoroughly mixed. Pour the apple filling into a pastry-lined pie pan.
  • Dot the apples with the remaining butter. Place the second pastry on top. Seal the edges and cut steam vents in the top crust.
  • Place the pie on the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Bake it for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Bake it until the filling is bubbling and the crust is golden brown.
How Long to Bake Apple Pie at 350

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