Home Recipes Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich

What makes a classic grilled cheese better? Turn it into a bacon grilled cheese sandwich, of course!

This thing has oodles of melty cheese inside mayo and Parmesan-crusted bread. 

The result is an incredible sandwich that’s crispy on the outside and epically cheesy on the inside, with salty, smoky bacon in every bite. It’s indulgent, decadent, and supremely satisfying. 

Cheesy bacon grilled cheese sandwich loaded with cripsy bacon and gooey melted cheese
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Why You’ll Love This Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Ultimate Comfort Food: This recipe takes a beloved comfort food classic and elevates it with crispy bacon, making it a nostalgic yet indulgent treat.

Crispy Perfection: Cooking the bread with mayonnaise and Parmesan ensures a perfectly golden and crispy crust. And the bacon inside? Chef’s kiss!

Easy Crowd-Pleaser: With its irresistible blend of flavors and textures, this baby is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, perfect for casual lunches or a satisfying family meal.


  • Thick-Cut Bacon: Smoky, salty, and oh-so-satisfying when cooked until perfectly crispy.
  • Sourdough Bread: Tangy, chewy, and sturdy enough to hold up to all that cheesy goodness. 
  • Mayonnaise: The secret ingredient for a golden, crispy exterior. Slather it on for the ultimate crunch factor.
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese: An optional but delicious sneaky ingredient that makes the crust extra cheesy!
  • Monterey Jack Cheese: Melty, gooey, and incredibly tasty. 
  • Sharp Cheddar Cheese: Bold, assertive, and unapologetically cheesy. 
Grilled cheese sandwich cut in half featuring crispy bacon and melting cheese on a chopping board with a serrated knife

How to Make Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This is comfort food at its finest, folks. It’s one of those meals that makes you want to cozy up on the couch and savor every bite.

And yes, it’s a cinch to whip up!

1. BACON: Cook the bacon in a skillet or in the oven until crispy.

2. SPREAD: Mix the mayo and Parmesan and spread it evenly over the bread. 

3. TOAST: Toast one side of the bread in a large skillet, spread the rest of the mayo over the tops, then flip.

4. CHEESE: Divide the cheese between the bread slices and cook until it’s gooey.

5. SANDWICH: Nestle the bacon in the melty cheese and press the bread slices together. Cool slightly, then dig in!

Halved bacon grilled cheese sandwiches stacked on a white plate with cheese oozing out

Tips For the Best Bacon Grilled Cheese

A sandwich this insanely delicious doesn’t need any other fancy toppings or extras – it’s pure perfection as is.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a few tips and tricks!

  • Aim for crispy bacon. Cook the bacon until it’s nice and crispy to contrast all that ooey-gooey cheese. If it’s soft, it will end up soggy.
  • Mayo spread. Mayonnaise is a Chef’s secret to the BEST grilled cheese as it has a higher smoke point than butter, so it won’t burn as quickly. But feel free to use butter instead. 
  • Low heat. Cook the sandwiches low and slow so the cheese melts before the bread can burn.
  • Bacon alternatives. Try turkey bacon or veggie bacon for a healthier twist.
  • Bread options. Sourdough, Texas toast, thick-cut whole wheat, ciabatta, or even a crusty roll sliced in half all work great for grilled cheese.
  • Cheese varieties. For maximum flavor, experiment with different cheeses like pepper jack, mozzarella, gouda, Gruyère, or mature cheddar.
  • Tasty additions. Add sliced tomato, avocado, jalapeños, caramelized onions, or a smear of mustard or hot sauce to take it up a notch.
  • Perfect pairings. Serve with tomato soup, cream of broccoli soup, coleslaw, air fryer chips, or a simple green salad for a satisfying meal.

More Grilled Sandwiches You’ll Swoon Over

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Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Course: Main CourseCuisine: American


Prep time


Cooking time





This quick and easy bacon grilled cheese sandwich is crispy on the outside, and epically cheesy on the inside, with salty, smoky bacon in every bite.

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  • 8 slices thick-cut bacon

  • 4 tablespoons mayonnaise

  • 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, optional

  • 4 thick slices sourdough bread

  • 8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

  • 4 ounces Monterey Jack or pepper jack cheese, shredded


  • Arrange the bacon in a single layer in a large, cold skillet. Warm to medium heat and cook until crispy. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate, carefully wipe the skillet clean and reduce the heat to medium-low.
  • While the bacon cooks, mix the mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese (if using) in a small bowl. Spread half evenly over one side of each slice of bread.
  • Place the bread mayo side down in the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes, until lightly golden. Spread the remaining mayo over the slices, then flip them so the fresh mayo is on the bottom.
  • Top each slice evenly with the cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook for 3-5 minutes, until the bread is golden and the cheese is melted.
  • Remove the bread from the skillet and divide the bacon between the slices. Sandwich the bread together and leave to cool for 1-2 minutes.
  • Cut the sandwiches in half and serve immediately. Enjoy!


  • Cook the bacon until it’s nice and crispy to contrast all that ooey-gooey cheese. If it’s soft, it will end up soggy between the cheese.
  • Mayonnaise is a Chef’s secret to the BEST grilled cheese as it has a higher smoke point than butter, so it won’t burn as quickly. But feel free to use butter instead.

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Kim - InsanelyGood
Hey there! I'm Kim. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! I share recipes for people who LOVE good food, but want to keep things simple :)

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